To facilitate a Growth Mindset and Restorative Justice quest through the development of our students to walk in the ways of Kindness, Integrity, Neighbourliness, Gratitude, and Sensibility; whilst our students pursue Knowledge, Discovery and Truth.

Kingsway students will then be a blessing to their communities and beyond to the world at large as they are watchful and altruistic even with all their Youthful zeal.


As part of the community of Kingsway International Secondary School:

I am boldly Kind and a person of Integrity, on a continuous growth mindset and restorative justice quest.

I am Neighbourly whilst in pursuit of Knowledge, Discovery and Truth; and hence, also reverently Grateful and Sensible.

I am Watchful and thus Altruistic, whilst still having Youthful wonder, energy and trust.

May God Bless Kingsway!


We will be others centred and partner with respective stakeholders in our pursuit of Knowledge, Discovery and Truth. Every student is capable of having emphatic collaboration with and acting in consideration of their peers. We are neighbourly.

We will be reverently thankful and gratitude shall fill our reflections. Every student is capable of expressing genuine gratitude. We are, after all, on a lifelong learning journey and even in our adversities there are precious learning gems to be gleaned. We are reverently grateful.

We will have a growth mindset and practise restorative justice. Every student is capable of having sensible choices of words, actions and thoughts. We are sensible.

We will be watchful to care for our own wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of others. We are capable of being alert to care for ourselves and others. We are watchful.

We will be ready to intervene for the benefit of others. Every student is capable of being altruistic. We are most thankful for the most altruistic example of Jesus, whose life we can learn from and be empowered by. We are altruistic.

Youthful wonder, energy and trust is cherished at Kingsway! We have youthful wonder, energy and trust.